do I need a UK guardian in place to apply for my child's student visa?

educational guardianship on visa application form

Many students are now partway through the application process for their UK Child Student visa with schools across the UK assigning CAS (Confirmation of Academic Studies) documentation.

As part of the application process, parents are asked to provide details of the UK based guardian, if one has been appointed, that will be looking after their child during their studies.

AEGIS Gold standard - the highest standard in the UK

AEGIS logo

UK Boarding Schools are increasingly concerned about the reliability of their students' educational guardians, and so may strongly recommend that any guardian appointed be accredited by AEGIS (The Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students) to Gold standard. This reassures all involved that the guardian organisation appointed has passed a thorough inspection and is operating professionally and following a strict safeguarding framework.

where can I find more information on how to apply for a Child Student visa?

Bright World Guardianship Care Manager team

If you are not sure how to start your application and need help and advice, you can contact your Guardianship Care Manager. We can refer you to one of our overseas agents who can assist and who will guide you through the application process from start to finish.

If you have not yet applied for guardianship with Bright World and would like some more information, simply complete the online enquiry form by clicking the link at the bottom of the page and one of our Regional Managers will be happy to help.

The change on the visa application is good news for those concerned with the safeguarding of international children. The inclusion of this new section in the Child Student visa application form shows that the UK government is starting to recognise the importance of guardianship to the international education sector.
Lana Foster - Bright World Managing Director & AEGIS Trustee

visit our Help Centre for more information about Bright World Guardianships

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  • Guardianship Frequently Asked Questions
  • Host Families Frequently Asked Questions
  • Quarantine Frequently Asked Questions
  • Guardianship Fees and Costs explained

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